Welcome! Teachmyward

A Techverse Corporation

We believe you can earn money from your talent at your free time.
How it works.

Teachmyward: How It Works

When you Sign up or Register,Providing your details , You're creating a talent dashboard where you will interact with your clients about your talents. Teachmyward.

After Registration, you can login to your dashboard and add your talents, as many talents you posses. But your talents will not show at the talent page until approval from the Verification team is granted. This is to make sure people don't scam users.

The Verification Process, Your talents and information you provided during the registration will be reviewed by the Talent Verification Team, The Team will send you a Verification confirmation email within 24hrs or two(2) business days.

After successful verification, your talents will appear at the talents page for users to see.

In the case, The Verification Team rejects your talents, you can request for a review through the email, Verify@teachmyward.com. The team will help you to solve your issue.

For Users,
A User doesn't need to Sign up or login to search for talents, Users will just proceed to the talents page, browse through or search for the name of talents or search for the name of the talent holder he/she is seeking for.

Once a User see a talent he/she is searching for, They can send enquiry through the enquiry button at that particular talent page.The Talent owner will receive the enquiry on their dashboard and take it from there.It is required that, Talent Owners check their Talent dashboard at least thrice a day.

Talent owners who are inactive will lose their status on the Talents page. Users with concerns should contact the User Protection team on UPT@teachmyward.com

At Teachmyward, we believe you can earn a passive income with your talents at your free time. It's that simple.
## Signed,
Teachmyward, Inc.,
User Experience Team.
April 20, 2023